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24 Hour Helpline

Call: 973-875-1211 | Deaf & Hearing Impaired Text Line 973-222-2593

The DASI 24-hour Helpline is available if you need information for yourself or for someone else, or if you would simply like to talk about your situation. Trained staff persons are there to offer support, safety planning, information, and referrals 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Callers may remain anonymous, and collect calls are accepted.

Emergency Safe House

DASI can provide housing and support services in our Emergency Safe House when home is no longer safe.

Please call the 24-hour Helpline at 973-875-1211 to discuss your need for shelter.

For more information click here.

Emergency Safe House

DASI Community Outreach Center

If you would like to make an appointment for services other than shelter, please call the DASI Community Outreach Center at 973-579-2386. Hours are generally 9am-5pm, Monday thru Friday, but appointment hours can be flexible and some evenings are available.

Domestic Violence

Whether you want to leave an abusive relationship or to explore ways to keep yourself safe while you give the relationship another chance, we are here to help. Domestic violence and abuse can leave you feeling alone, confused, embarrassed, depressed, insecure, and unsure where to go or what to do. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. There is help, and there is hope.

DASI can also help friends and family members of abused persons learn how to best help their loved ones. Sometimes what we think is helpful can be counter-productive, or even harmful. We can help you learn how to provide support in a safe and meaningful way.

Are you a survivor of past domestic abuse and having trouble in a new relationship? Sometimes we know what a healthy relationship is supposed to look like but need help in how to actually achieve that. DASI can provide information and education on building healthy relationships.

Sexual Assault

Sexual assault is a crime of violence, anger and hostility meant to degrade and humiliate the victim emotionally and sexually. It is not about sex or passion. It is an act of aggression, against one’s will. It is a humiliating, often terrifying and brutal crime. Sexual assault includes unwanted touching, rape, attempted rape, incest, child molestation, sexual harassment, sexual exploitation, and other forms of sexual violence.

Whether or not the sexual assault occurred recently or when you were a child, we can help you cope with the aftermath or the impact of the assault. Sexual assault and abuse leave behind physical, mental, and emotional scars that may be difficult to overcome.

Emotional injury is a part of sexual assault or rape. Just as your physical health needs attention, your emotional well-being also needs attention. Talking to a knowledgeable and sensitive counselor who knows the trauma of sexual assault and understands the challenges of recovery can help you deal with your feelings, make important decisions, and get your life back on track. DASI support services can help you through the crisis and onto a path of hope and healing. Remember, you are not alone!

get help now image

Seek immediate medical attention.
(If you would like, a DASI Confidential Sexual Violence Advocate (CSVA) can be with you during medical and legal proceedings. Call 973-875-1211 for an advocate, or to activate the Sussex County Sexual Assault Response Team (SART).

It is important that you:

  • Do not change your clothing
  • Do not bathe, shower or douche
  • Do not urinate, if possible
  • Do not drink, eat or smoke
  • Place additional evidence (such as clothing or bedding) in a paper bag

Physical Examination and Medical Treatment : A complete physical examination is very important. Victims of sexual assault may not be aware of external and internal injuries that may require treatment. Early medical attention is necessary to test for, and possible prevent, sexually transmitted diseases or infections. If left untreated, sexually transmitted infections/venereal diseases may result in serious health problems. Early medical attention is necessary to test for and receive treatment to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Follow-up care is very important to ensure that injuries have healed properly and that sexually transmitted infections are treated appropriately. Tests for infections and pregnancy must be repeated.
Evidence Collection: A forensic kit is typically used within 5 days to collect evidence from the victim’s body (but the earlier the better). This evidence can be used in prosecuting the offender. The victim may have the forensic kit done anonymously and the evidence can be held for 90-days. There is no cost associated with the forensic evidence collection and initial preventative medical treatment.

All DASI services are free and confidential: (These should link to other sections where appropriate)

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